As odd as it sounds, there is a club called the
Bohemian Club which resides within the 'Bohemian Grove', a section of forest in California where politicians and powerful men engage in meetings and bizarre rituals. It is an annual event, held every year in July, where men of means and influence come for a two week vacation to relax, network, and participate in traditions such as "The Cremation of Care": a ritual where the effigy of a body is burned before an approx. 40 ft owl.
(See photo at left)Defenders of the organization claim it is nothing more than a private getaway for the rich and influential, where they can escape the prying eyes of media and the stresses of business for a retreat in a natural environment. But critics say the organization is disturbing, unethical, and possibly illegal and dangerous.
What is the Grove?The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre section of forest in
Sonoma County, by the town of Monte Rio, California (USA). It is the location of choice for the 'Bohemian Club' - a private men's club which includes many former presidents, politicians, and prominent businessmen. A small sample of the large list of members (current, and former) include:
George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George H.W. Bush, Karl Rove, Bill Clinton, Ronald Regan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry Truman, Theodore Roosevelt, Jeb Bush, Henry Kissinger, William Howard Taft, David Rockefeller, Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Alan Greenspan
The Bohemian Club (which owns the grove property) was founded in 1872. Shortly after, the Bohemian Grove was established as a meeting place for the members. The regular gathering as it occurs today, began in 1899.
The club's symbol is an owl, and its motto is "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here".
During the two-week encampment there are elaborate ceremonies, plays and forms of entertainment. These include the "High Jinx" (an elaborate Grove Play and musical comedies) and "Low Jinx", mainly plays (where men in drag play all the female roles), etc.
There are various camps scattered throughout the compound such as "Mandalay" (for US presidents), "Stowaway" (for Rockefeller family members), "Hillside" (Military members and Joint Chiefs of Staff), "Lost Angels" (Defense contractors), and so on.
The grove is rife with symbolism and imagery, including skulls, owls, and other images on napkins, papers, charter buses, invitations, and mounted on trees and signs.
Why the Controversy?The first level of controversy revolves around the "Cremation of Care" ritual. The ritual involves an effigy of a human being which is put on a boat, taken across a small lake and placed in front of a 40 foot owl. It is then burned by men wearing white and red robes, along with shrieking, laughter, speeches, rhyming, fireworks and other elaborate displays of ceremony.
[The above video was taken secretly when journalist and radio host Alex Jones, along with his cameraman Mike Hanson, snuck into the Bohemian Grove in July of 2000. During the overall trip to California, they were accompanied by Jon Ronson (author, journalist) and a camera crew from Channel 4 (UK television) for a 4-part mini series called "Secret Rulers of the World". Ronson would later write about the account in his book "Them: Adventures with Extremists".]
Defenders of the ritual say that the effigy, called "Dull Care" is not meant to symbolize a human being, but rather the "cares of the world" which they carry on their shoulders, and burning it is to symbolize losing all these troubles and worries.
They point out that this is nothing more than tradition and harbors nothing sinister. They say the ritual (which has been conducted since 1893) and the many other plays and entertainments are simply for fun and contain no deeper meaning than that. Critics or those who oppose the club are often publicly mocked and rebuked for being 'conspiracy theorists' or deranged lunatics who are blowing trivial matters out of proportion.
Critics point out that it was the members themselves who withheld information of the Cremation of Care ritual from the public and press, claiming it all to be mere rumors and suggesting it was all nonsense and fiction. It was not until Alex Jones (Texas journalist and radio show host) infiltrated the Bohemian Grove and filmed the ritual along with his cameraman Mike Hanson in July of 2000, that Bohemian Club members finally admitted its authenticity and publicly spoke of it. That is roughly 107 years of private gatherings and conducting of this ritual; many people find that difficult to accept, particularly since it concerns men of governing and media power who refuse to disclose any information on the subject.
A second matter of concern to critics is the secrecy involved in such an exclusive club, and the worry that illegal business transactions may be occurring, including insider trading and other activities. Also of note are the large amount of men from banking, media, corporations, the military and government, all meeting in a private place with no media scrutiny, no watchdog group oversight, and no public record of talks, or possible deals or transactions. Critics fear that non-governmental officials in business and military could have an effect on public policy behind closed doors, with no witnesses. Not to mention that any secrets of national security, future policies, or ideas and suggestions might be discussed amongst the members privately.
Defenders of the club dismiss this idea and claim that nothing of true importance in either the business field or political arena is discussed between members. However, this contradicts their own statements and history.
It is documented fact that the grove "
is particularly famous for a Manhattan Project planning meeting that took place there in September of 1942, which subsequently led to the atomic bomb. Those attending, apart from Ernest Lawrence and military officials, included the president of Harvard and representatives of Standard Oil and General Electric. Grove members take particular pride in this event and often relate the story to new attendees." *In other words, the public is supposed to believe that nothing private is discussed, nor are rights violated in any way by the private sector, yet they openly admit that a meeting planning the first western atomic bomb in World War II took place in that very Grove, with that very Club, with their own members and guests. It certainly makes one wonder what else has been discussed there.
Defenders also like to dismiss any concerns about the elaborate rituals and their significance, or at least symbolism. They reiterate that nothing suspect is going on, and to think otherwise is ridiculous and paranoid.
Some critics remain apprehensive. It has been suggested by some researchers on occult activity that this is a thinly veiled occult ritual with serious significance to those who understand its finer points, and to those who created and conduct the ritual. Just as church services or Klu Klux Klan services are conducted in a ritualistic way with appropriate dress codes, terminology and spectators, this too, contains meaning to those who participate. Some suggest that while the larger group of members may not be aware of the deeper meaning or its importance, a small select group are, and the rest are unknowingly witnessing and participating in watered-down occult activity.
There are also comparisons to the worship of
Molech, a biblical deity that certain cultures were said to have worshipped by sacrificing children or people to by fire. Many dispute this comparison however, citing some differences between the original alleged worship of
Molech and the ritual seen at the Grove.
Regardless of how one feels about the Cremation of Care, or the many other entertainments there, certain obvious points come in to play. Firstly, it is questionable as to why a human body symbolizes "Dull Care" (the cares of the world) and not another object. Secondly, it seems natural that any person witnessing the ritual, or learning of it, would be surprised that presidents, world leaders, politicians and others participate in something so strange, ridiculous, and just plain creepy.
Lastly, and most alarming of all the controversies, are those regarding prostitutes and possible child abuse. It has been alleged that there are many male prostitutes and pornographic stars that entertain the elites at the grove. While this cannot be proven, rumors of all kinds continue. Several people have come forward, claiming to have 'sexually serviced' (prostituted for) Bohemian Club members, and some accounts have been published in books, articles, etc. **
John DeCamp, a former Republican state senator from Nebraska, claimed in his book "The Franklin Cover up" that snuff films and child pornography were made at the Bohemian Grove. Critics of the book have charged that the testimony of the man who claimed to have been forced into making a snuff film at the grove was false, and Club defenders deny any illegal sexual activity occurs at the Grove. Cathy O'Brien also alleged in her book "Trance Formation of America" that children were abused and murders committed at the grove. She also alleges the Bohemian Grove contains "a Dark Room, a Leather Room, and a Necrophilia Room". ***
Regardless of one's religious viewpoint and how seriously a person may or may not take the rituals performed at the Bohemian Grove, many substantial concerns arise.
It is alarming that world leaders and the most affluent men in the United States meet in the middle of a protected forest every year for a summer vacation, which includes a bizarre ritual of burning a mock body in front of a 40 foot owl, and do not have to disclose any of this information to anyone. Although it is generally laughed off in the press as powerful men taking the time to enjoy a "fraternity-like atmosphere" and revert back to "summer camp fun and mentality", most thinking individuals find it anything but amusing.
Anyone outside the membership cannot be sure that private matters whether governmental, military or otherwise are not discussed between members, or that private deals or future promises are not made to one another.
Allegations of abuse are also particularly disturbing. Even if a person takes an even approach and assumes the allegations are not necessarily true - the fact that this is a private club, organization and property owned and used by the most powerful men in the world, still leaves the question wide open. It is difficult to investigate or verify any sort of criminal activity in such a secretive place that is protected from concerned citizens. The Bohemian Grove is also - quite amazingly - protected property under the National Security Act of 1947. If indeed this property is privately owned and not open to the media, public or criminal investigation - it should not be given preferential treatment.
For years local newspapers, dissident literature and investigators claimed that world leaders met in a northern California forest, dressed in robes, and burned effigies in front of a 40 foot owl. It sounded ludicrous (everyone assumed it must be false) it was denied, and laughed off. It wasn't until there was videotaped evidence, that people accepted it as fact. Then everyone chose to laugh it off again anyway, stating that it's nothing too important.
Allegations have persisted from people who claimed to be sexual abuse victims and who have alleged links to the Bohemian Grove. These people have the support of retired senators, FBI agents and investigators, and now many of their physical descriptions of inside the grove can be verified (as they could not be before) by videotape evidence. Still, people choose to ignore them and assume that the allegations are too wild to be believed.
Due to the fact that investigation is not a possibility at this time, questions remain unanswered.
One thing however, becomes very clear. Those who express concern about the Bohemian Grove and its Club members, the critics of this exclusive organization - are not mentally unstable people. I would suggest that anyone who is not disturbed or bothered by rituals involving robes, chants, a 40 foot owl, enclosed redwood forests in exclusive compounds, powerful world leaders and decades of sexual abuse allegations and prostitution rumors -- are the mentally unstable ones.
- There are numerous resources on the web for more information about the Bohemian Club and the Bohemian Grove. These include mainstream news articles, websites, books, and video.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove (video) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1358319439993514946&q=Bohemian+Grove&total=930&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1
The Order of Death (video) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2500924140588760933&q=The+Order+of+Death&total=2511&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0
1981 ABC News report on Bohemian Grove (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCDs9Vs2iYM
Nixon talks about Bohemian Club (audio) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPb-PN9F2Pc
Alex Jones confronts David Gergen about Bohemian Grove (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfsYS8gnEW8
Bohemian Grove members (IBM, Bush, etc) helped Hitler and Holocaust (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80dgc63LMOY
"Secret Rulers of the World" (video) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7208099122481491543&q=Secret+Rulers+of+the+World&total=98&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1
"A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club by Peter Martin Phillips (1994) http://libweb.sonoma.edu/regional/faculty/phillips/bohemianindex.html ( * quote from Peter Martin Phillips)
Excerpt of Paul Bonacci's testimony about Bohemian Grove from "The Franklin Cover up" by John DeCamp: (photograph) http://www.thelawparty.org/FranklinCoverup/FranklinBookGrove.htm
"The Bohemian Grove" (Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove
Sonama County Free Press (Bohemian Grove Action Network) http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.com/bohos/bohoindx.html
1980's Bohemian Grove Reporting (Index of articles and photographs) http://www.sonic.net/~kerry/bohemian/
** Sex Work: Writings by Women in the Sex Industry edited by Frédérique Delacoste and Priscilla Alexander, Cleis Press, San Francisco, 1987.
1989 Spy Magazine Article on Bohemian Grove (reproduced) http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/bohemian_grove_spy.html
FAIR (Fairness In Accuracy and Reporting) article on Bohemian Grove, 1991. http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1489
Leaked photos from the "Annals of the Bohemian Club, Volume VII" http://www.infowars.com/exclusive_new_bg.htm
Donald Rumsfeld talks about Bohemian Grove (transcript) http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=216
Jon Ronson's website: http://www.jonronson.com/
Cathy O'Brien: http://www.trance-formation.com/aboutcathy.htm
*** "Trance Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips
1 comment:
My name is Jesse Rishel, and I'm being threatened by The Freemasons with human sacrifice. I live at 1383 State st. in New Haven Connecticut. My phone number is 1 802 490 6781... I have a lot of The Freemasons secrets, and they want to shut me up...Anyone that cares, or wants to know more, can call or hit me up on Facebook...."THIS IS REAL!" I'm very concerned not only for my safety, but my family...(I have a one year old daughter.) 4-5-17 Jesse Rishel.
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