Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Franklin Cover Up

This is a tale so shocking, so horrible, and so truly evil it's hard to even put into words.

This is the tale of 'The Franklin Cover Up', a legacy of abuse, prostitution, drugs, and how it all connects to the highest levels of the US government.

There are many problems in our world and we all know that prostitution and child abuse sadly do exist, and happen every day. But what makes this case so unique is how well documented it is, the proof of connections that lead back to the White House and how it interconnects shockingly with every corner of the bigger picture.

By the time you finish reading this article you will fully understand.

(Photo: "The Franklin Cover-Up" by John DeCamp.)

The Story:

Of course the story is quite complex and is too lengthy to be described in detail in this article. So a basic summary and outline of the story will suffice. Here it goes ...

The year is 1970. Lawrence E. King Jr (called Larry King for short) is the manager at the Franklin Credit Union, in Omaha, Nebraska (USA). Larry begins taking money from the Credit Union for his own personal use: a lavish lifestyle and more disturbingly, starting a child sex ring. By 1976, it has been discovered that almost half a million is missing from the bank, but is covered up.

During this time, children in foster care have been alleging abuse by foster parents, including associates of King's -- even his own cousin. And his cousin's husband happens to work at the Franklin Credit Union with him. Several more children come forward alleging abuse, even naming Larry King himself, along with other prominent people in the community. Due to some slick maneuvering and close ties to the county prosecutor - all charges are dismissed.

Meanwhile, King had been carrying on in his pedophilia activities, and had begun using boys from "Boy's Town" in his sex ring. 'Boy's Town' was a respected American institution - a place for homeless, abused or unwanted children. It had been created by a Catholic priest after World War I as an orphanage for boys, and had later gone on to accept girls. King had been taking children from there to use as prostitutes for politicians and other powerful people.

This included Paul Bonacci, who had been attending sex parties with some very powerful men. These men were politicians, stars in the Republican party, businessmen, and some of the most prominent men in Nebraska - including a judge, a local journalist, and even the publisher of the Omaha World Herald newspaper.
Paul and other children were sodomized, raped, used for sex, paid for sex, given drugs, and taken across the state and country. They were even used in Satanic ritual abuse, according to some children.

In 1980, after an anonymous letter, a small investigation into Franklin Credit Union begins and discovers the missing money. But nothing is done.
During the next few years the sex ring continues with the children being horribly abused, and still being taken across country. This included sex orgies and trips to California, and the Bohemian Grove where Paul Bonacci made a snuff film.

In 1984 a teller from the credit union writes a letter about the missing money, he sends it to several people including a state legislator and banking director. The teller is told that they are aware of King's overspending and missing money - but because King is black and a rising star in the Republican party, nobody wants to do anything about it. They are worried about bad publicity, being accused of racism, and don't want any scandals. The teller is fired by King.

By this time due to his sex ring and stealing from the credit union, King was living the high life of luxury with limousines, penthouses, and great wealth and extravagance. He was a star in the Republican party, fast tracking in power and prestige, and had even sung the national anthem at the Republican GOP convention (and would do so twice).

1988 - The Franklin Credit Union is raided by the FBI and IRS and closed down. A lawsuit is brought against King, and by the end of that year they discover he had taken $34 million.

By the end of that year they have also discovered that some of the funds were diverted by King and used for the IRAN-CONTRA scandal. Amid the rising allegations of child abuse, several investigations and committees are launched to look into it.

In January of 1989 the Franklin Committee is formed. They will investigate the whole scandal ranging from the financial, to the drugs, to the child abuse rings. Just as Jerry Lowe (former Nebraska police officer) is heading the investigation and beginning to discover everything - the FBI and local police begin wrapping up their investigations. They claim that they are nearly finished and that there's nothing of much substance there.

By June of 1989 Attorney General Robert Spire concluded a half-hearted investigation, meant to avoid all scandal or damage to his reputation, and claims that there's no substance to the allegations. Even despite being briefed by several members of the Foster Care Review Board that had summarized charges of: sexual abuse, cult activities and even sacrifices of small children.

In July it is announced that the Franklin Committee will now only officially launch investigations into the financial aspect of the scandal, ignoring the child sex ring. Half the members of the committee (including investigator Jerry Lowe) resign in protest.

In August, the committee hires Gary Caradori as the new investigator. But Caradori does not go according to plan, and takes the child abuse allegations seriously. He proves himself to be an excellent investigator who tracks down and takes important testimony from many victims. These included four main witnesses who would break the case wide open: Paul Bonacci, Alisha Owen, Troy Boner, and Danny King.

They describe in detail the sex ring, drugs, the customers (prominent businessmen, locals, and politicians), how it was run, and corroborate each other's testimonies.

By December of 1989 the committee members had viewed the video taped testimonies and began to take the allegations more seriously, which they publicly admit.
Early in the New Year of 1990, John DeCamp releases a public memo -naming all the people accused of abusing the children, and summarizes the sexual abuse allegations. It causes a huge uproar as powerful and prominent men are named, and the media begins to attack DeCamp, the investigation and the victims. Leading the media charge against DeCamp and the Franklin investigations - is the Omaha World Herald newspaper, from which one journalist and even the publisher had been charged with abuse. The journalist brings a lawsuit against DeCamp, but it is dropped after he is charged several times with child abuse (unrelated to the Franklin case).

In May of 1990, Caradori discovers from Paul Bonacci that he (and other children) had been taken across the country and involved in all sorts of affairs. They had even serviced politicians in Washington, D.C. Bonacci himself had gone into the White House, although he said all sexual parties took place outside of the White House.

He also admitted that he had been used to recruit other children (some from Boy's Town) and bring them into the sex ring. One of the children he had possibly done this too, would later turn out to have explosive consequences into the Bush II presidency term.

But the testimonies were not enough. Caradori needed hard evidence to convict the big names.

July 1990 - Caradori takes a trip to Chicago with his 8 year old son, and they spend some quality time together. But he is also there on investigative business. While there, he meets with Russell "Rusty" Nelson - who had been Larry King's personal photographer for many years. Caradori phones home to announce triumphantly that he now has the evidence he needs - photos from Larry King's sex parties. This is the "smoking gun" the case needed in order to go anywhere.

But tragedy strikes. Caradori decides to pilot a small engine plane home, and it crashes on the way in Illinois. Both he and his son are instantly killed. Later on it would be discovered that his briefcase is missing, along with parts of the plane. Eyewitnesses claimed to see the plane break apart in the air, but are dismissed. An investigation later concludes no foul play. Years later many people would come out and allege that FBI agents had shown up and intimidated them.

Caradori's death sends fear rippling through everyone involved in the case. The majority of people, especially the victims, believe that he was murdered. They see it as a warning sign. Fearing for their lives, Danny King and Troy Boner recant their testimonies.

First Danny, and then Troy. The FBI uses this as leverage, hoping to get other victims to recant and confess they had lied. They use Troy as bait by getting him to phone Alisha Owens, and record the call. The call is highly suspicious. During the entire conversation Troy unconvincingly announces time and time again that he's tired of lying, and tells Alisha to stop lying. Alisha, unaware she is being recorded keeps asking Troy why he's lying when he knows they are telling the truth. Why is he lying so suddenly? Why does he want her to start lying too? Why is he doing this? Suddenly she clues in and realizes that someone is listening on the line, and that they are attempting to discredit her.

The Franklin Committee and prosecutors are suddenly left in a bind. After Danny and Troy's recantations, the FBI had seized all of Caradori's files. Suddenly the case looks lost.

July 24, 1990 - The Grand Jury reaches a conclusion and releases its report. It's a 42-page, dismissive, very disingenuous report calling the whole affair "a carefully crafted hoax". The report admits that Larry King had used money for enticing young men into sex, but proclaims that it was consensual and that the investigation into the money swindling would be left to the National Credit Union association.

The report also admits that other prominent men were guilty of sexual abuse, but that none of it was related to King's sex ring. The report admitted that the children had been abused, but said that it was not by the people the children had named. It was a report full of holes, full of contradictions and hypocrisies, and totally worthless.

But more unbelievable than that, the jury convicted Alisha Owens and Paul Bonacci for perjury (lying about the case) and handed down long sentences.

Alisha Owens was sentenced to 9-25 years in prison. She would end up spending more time than Paul Citron (a child molester, and someone they accused) who would only spend about 3 years in prison, on unrelated molestation charges. Her prison sentence was even longer than Larry King's - who was convicted of financial crimes and spent ten years in prison. Paul Bonacci also served time in prison.

John DeCamp continued to fight for the victims pro bono, as their lawyer. In February 1991, he filed a lawsuit against several people and institutions in Nebraska, on behalf of Paul Bonnacci. The local media continued to belittle his efforts and criticize him and the victims.

Danny King had promised to overturn his recantation, and claimed he had been pressured and forced to falsely confess lying by the FBI. However, at the funeral of Caradori he had seen several FBI agents and gotten frightened. He soon fled and was not around for his much needed testimony during hearings for Alisha Owens; he had promised to attend and reaffirm her testimony.

During the following years, several developments would occur. John DeCamp and Alisha Owens discovered that the tapes shown to the grand jury had been edited, and that a lot of important information had been taken out; this included the testimonies which showed links to King's sex ring. Perhaps this is why the Grand Jury had such a puzzling conclusion? Was this why it had announced no connections between the accused men, the victims, and Larry King's sex ring that was funded by the Franklin Credit Union? Quite possibly.

John DeCamp would go on to write "The Franklin Cover Up" in 1992. He feared for his life and family, and had been advised to do so. He was told that the only way to remain safe was to publicly publish everything in detail. By doing so, he would ensure that any possible murder would be too risky to commit.

In 1993, a television company sent a small crew out to Nebraska to shoot a documentary based on the book. They spent a year filming.

In 1999, DeCamp won a lawsuit on behalf of Paul Bonacci, against Larry King. Bonacci was awarded $1 million dollars, although on a technicality; Larry King had not shown up in court, due to being held on other charges. It was a victory nonetheless.

It was a sad ending for Troy Boner. Since the whole court affair and being interviewed for the documentary, he had been wracked with guilt. Troy felt so badly for lying and recanting his testimony that he believed he "should be taken out and shot" for what he had done. If that were to happen, he said: "I would go willingly". That did not happen. But in 2003, after being in hiding for years, he ran panicked into a New Mexico hospital waving a copy of "The Franklin Cover Up" hysterically, claiming that because of the book they were out to get him. He was sedated by hospital staff, and when checked on the next morning was discovered dead. His death has not been investigated publicly, nor is the official cause known. (1)

Aside from Caradori and Boner, several other people related to the Franklin affair have died, mainly under suspicious circumstances. DeCamp estimates that at least over 20 people involved in the investigation and affair are now dead. (2)

Conspiracy of Silence

In 1993 the Discovery Channel hired a reputable television company called "The Yorkshire Group" to film a documentary about the Franklin case. The company sent a small team to Nebraska which spent the next year filming. It was stressed repeatedly that the documentary had to be air-tight with complete facts and made so well that there would be no lawsuits or retribution.
The team spent around half a million dollars on the production; they conducted interviews, filmed footage, investigated and looked at documents. By the end they were convinced that the 'Franklin Four' (Bonacci, Boner, King, Owens) were telling the truth and that there had been a huge cover-up.
As the project wrapped up and was completed, they were very excited. They believed they had an award-winning documentary and were eager to get the whole story out to the public. It was called "Conspiracy of Silence". (3)

In 1994, the documentary was set to air on national television. It was even listed in the television guide, and highly anticipated. But it never aired. (4)

That year, Congress had been working on legislation to restrict and control cable television and its content, which was sure to cause trouble for the cable companies. So they made a backroom deal: if the cable companies did not air "Conspiracy of Silence", then Congress would leave them alone. An unknown purchaser bought every single copy of the documentary, and reimbursed 'Yorkshire Television' for all of the production costs. It was even demanded that any other evidence or footage pertaining to the documentary be completely destroyed. (5)

However in 1995, John DeCamp was anonymously mailed a copy of the documentary. Admittedly it wasn't the best quality, it had been edited (a requirement for airing nationally), and was not the finished product. But it was still an excellent, ground-breaking documentary that exposed the whole debacle of the Franklin Cover-Up. (6)

The documentary was subsequently leaked onto the Internet, where it became an underground success. Independent media and bloggers picked up on the story and have continued to follow up on it, despite its being almost completely ignored by the mainstream media (aside from local Omaha media). (7)


*Please Note: This documentary is graphic and highly disturbing. While there is nothing visually graphic, it does contain detailed interviews and some viewers may find it upsetting.

The Bohemian Grove Connection

Strangely, the Franklin case would reach its tentacles into all sorts of areas, including the Bohemian Grove. The Bohemian Grove is a private resort for an exclusive men's club called "The Bohemian Club". Its members are mainly politicians, businessmen, and include bigwigs from the media and military.
In 2000, a documentary-filmmaker and radio host named Alex Jones, along with his team, managed to sneak into the Bohemian Grove and film a day inside. This included "The Cremation of Care" - a strange ritual where a mock body is burned in front of a 40 foot owl. For years there had been rumors of prostitutes servicing the club members, and of potential child abuse. (8)

So it was all the more astonishing then, when the Franklin case led to the Bohemian Grove as well. Paul Bonacci claimed to have been forced into making a snuff film there. He was forced to have sex with other boys, one of the boys was killed, and then he was forced to have sex with the corpse - all while being filmed. He would later say that he was present at a party with Larry King and others when they watched the film and laughed. (9)

CLICK HERE TO READ AN EXCERPT OF PAUL'S TESTIMONY. (Warning: detailed and graphic)

Before the Franklin case, John DeCamp did not know anything about the Bohemian Grove, and had never heard of it. Even after publishing his book, it was still years until he fully realized the implications of Bonacci's testimony.

Some quotes from his 2004 interview with Alex Jones (in no particular order): (10)

"That was certainly one of the events that the children were involved in
that took place in California that I only learned in the last few years is
called Bohemian Grove. All I knew was from the kid’s diary – a place with
big trees with a big owl looking at them."

"Anyway, so there was where he claimed and I wasn't there so I don't know. The closest I've been to Bohemian Grove, he took me out and showed me where it was and indeed there is a place there. And I didn't know there was a place called Bohemian Grove. I didn't write Bohemian Grove in the book because I didn't know what it was. I just took his diary. Anyway, it clearly is where he was taken and he was taken out there for a ceremony in which they committed some pretty horrible things on another boy. And three boys and they filmed it and I just took his words and the names he wrote there. And they’re right in the book."

"But anyway, Ted Gunderson was hired by a group of very prominent businessmen to come to Nebraska and investigate the thing and come up with a report to prove that I was full of beans and crazy and so on and so forth. I don’t know if you know that. If you talk to Ted Gunderson, you will find that out. He was hired for that purpose. He came to Nebraska. He was extremely aggressive and, as fate would have it, he concluded rather quickly that I was the one telling the truth ..."

Ted L. Gunderson is a former LAPD officer, and a former FBI agent. He was hired to investigate the claims made about abuse at the Bohemian Grove. While it was expected that he would refute the claims and prove the allegations fraudulent - the opposite occurred. Gunderson ended up believing that the claims were true, and supporting DeCamp and the testimony of the Franklin sex-ring victims. He now helps to campaign for them, and to publicize the abuses that took place. (11)

The Johnny Gosch Connection

Just when the case seemed as though it couldn't be any more unbelievable and horrible - another breakthrough occurred. Could this help confirm Bonacci's testimony?

In 1991, Bonacci handed over testimony to investigators that he may have had a part in an unsolved kidnapping. (Bonacci had been coerced and helped to recruit and kidnap children for Larry King's sex ring.) (12)

In 1982, a young boy named Johnny Gosch had been kidnapped from Des Moines, Iowa, while on his paper route in September. The case had gone unsolved since. (13)

DeCamp had noticed similarities between a story of Bonacci's about a boy, and the Johnny Gosch story. He urged Bonacci to speak to the Gosch family about it, in case it was the same boy. Reluctuntly the Gosch family did listen to Bonacci, and discovered that not only did the stories match perfectly, but Bonacci confirmed details unknown to the public -- confirming that he appeared to be telling the truth.

In 2005, the tale took a strange turn ...

Jeff Gannon was a reporter that had come under public ridicule after asking a question at a press conference at the White House. The question he asked President George W. Bush had been so obviously planted (in order to make Bush look good) that the press and others were outraged.
Investigations found that Jeff Gannon had made dozens of trips to the White House - not unusual perhaps - but also that he had previously been a male prostitute. A website of Gannon's, along with photos proved this.
Online sleuths and bloggers then discovered a startling fact - Jeff Gannon resembled Johnny Gosch! They had identical birthmarks and other similar features, which even led Noreen Gosch (Johnny's mother) to admit the resemblance. (14)

Noreen Gosch has asked Jeff Gannon to take a DNA test, but so far has been refused. Did Bonacci help to abduct Johnny Gosch for King's sex ring? If so, is Jeff Gannon actually Johnny Gosch? And if he is ... what of the fact that he used to be a male prostitute (a potential outcome of being forced into chid prostitution), and how did he go from being a male prostitute, to a credentialed reporter at the White House? Why was he at the White House at least a dozen times? Why was he on such good terms with President Bush II that they were photographed hugging, and Bush had his arms around Gannon? Only time will reveal the conclusion of this chapter.

The questions continue ... and the spiraling story of Omaha and the Franklin Cover-Up continues with them.


Although the Grand Jury ruled the Franklin case a "carefully crafted hoax" - viewing the evidence will demonstrate just the opposite, to any sensible person. There is so much investigation and documentation that it becomes nearly impossible to dismiss the idea of King's sex rings, and the testimony of the victims. Also:

  • Time and time again the victims' stories corroborated each other's, even when they were interviewed seperately by investigators.
  • Paul Citron whom they had accused of abuse, was charged and convicted on unrelated child abuse charges. Coincidence?
  • Details by the victims about the Bohemian Grove seem to match up.
  • Alisha Owens stuck to her story, even when being recorded unknowingly by the FBI.
  • Even though Troy Boner recanted his testimony, he spent the rest of his life regretting it, denouncing his recantation, and claiming that he originally did tell the truth.
  • Gary Carabori's evidence and briefcase mysteriously missing from the plane wreckage.
  • Troy Boner's sudden bizarre death after announcing he was in danger. If it was nothing unusual - why haven't we heard that conclusion?
  • Why would Alisha Owens and Paul Bonacci both do hard time in prison over a lie? If they were lying and the other two had already recanted their testimonies - why wouldn't Owens and Bonacci do the same? Why would they both serve full, long sentences for nothing?
  • Alisha Owens and Paul Bonacci still swear to this day that they are telling the truth.
  • What of the Jeff Gannon connection? Will it someday be proved that he really is Johnny Gosch? If he is, does this confirm Paul Bonacci's testimony about the sex ring?

Also, let's look at the character of some of the men involved in this story, who have supported the victims.

John DeCamp: he is a decorated Vietnam Veteran, who even conducted "Operation Baby Lift" in 1975 which saved 2,800 Vietnamese children. He also spent 16 years as a Nebraska State Senator, and now works as a lawyer for the victims pro bono.

William Colby: is former CIA director, who supported John DeCamp and believed in the case. (Note: he has since passed away. Some believe his death to be unnatural, much like Caradori's)

Jimmy Rothstein: is a former New York police detective, also supports DeCamp and his story.

Ted L. Gunderson: is a former police officer and FBI agent, who blew the whistle on CIA drug smuggling, and has worked as an activist against government corruption.

When we look at these men, who have worked tirelessly for justice at the expense of public ridicule, political retaliation, danger to their lives, and who have not made any money out of this affair - we see men of honor who believe the victims and who have proclaimed a cover-up.

When we look at the men who have denounced the victims' claims we see that they always have an agenda. They are either perpetrators that were named, or have financial/political connections to the accused, or are in a position to be pressured by a higher political force. Perhaps, as hard as it seems to believe, there are some people that genuinely disbelieve the claims. After viewing the evidence objectively it's difficult to comprehend why.

Why the Cover up?

This is a valid question. Why bother with a cover-up? If it's just a few pedophiles or drug smugglers, why wouldn't the FBI or the government just arrest them and charge them? Why go to all this trouble to cover it up, have a media blackout, and discredit the victims?

John DeCamp believes he knows why. In 1989 the Washington Times broke a story about a scandal involving 'call boys' in the White House. After meeting with the reporter who wrote the article, John DeCamp believes it helps confirm Bonacci's story about children being flown into Washington D.C., and the sex rings there. Craig Spence had acted as Larry King's partner in arranging for his sex ring victims to fly to Washington, D.C., and Bonacci had been taken into the White House himself. This is confirmed by the Washington Times report - which stated a few of the call boys had toured the White House. Many other details seem to verify Bonacci's story. (15)

If the victims are telling the truth - and it seems very likely - then this story reaches up to top politicians in Washington, to top levels of power, and into the White House itself.

If that is the case, then there are a lot of powerful people who do not want this case to be solved, and they have the means to stop it - any way possible.

DeCamp warns:
"If you can control about 3 or 4 key elements, you can totally own a state, you can make right wrong, you can make truth falsehood, falsehood truth, if you control the media, if you control the Justice Deptartment, if you control the police, you own the system." (16)

It truly is amazing the way things begin to link together ... although I suppose corruption has a way of doing that. Larry King had his child prostitution ring which serviced politicians. And he used his stolen money to help smuggle drugs, help in the Iran-Contra scandal, and to pimp these children out to the highest bidder. (17)

Some of the children apparently ended up at the Bohemian Grove, another bizarre place full of politicans gathering for strange, unnecessary rituals and hiring prostitutes. And of course, many Bohemian Club members are also Skull & Bones members ... including President Bush, who is associated with Jeff Gannon, the male prostitute and possible victim of kidnapping. (18)

But that's right. It's all coincidence, isn't it?

What happened to America?

It is time to wake up citizens! It is time to stop looking away, it is time to stop pretending that bad men and bad things don't happen in your country, or within your government. It is time to stop ignoring politics and being ignorant about how things are run.

If you won't care for the children ... what hope is left for all of us?


(1) Book: "The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska" by John DeCamp.

In-Depth 18 page overview of case from Franklincase.org: http://www.franklincase.org/indepth.htm

'Key Players Involved' Section on Franklincase.org: http://www.franklincase.org/keyplayers.htm

Photocopy of John Bonacci's court awarded $1 million documents: http://evanravitz.com/silence/

(2) Quote taken in context from John DeCamp's interview with Alex Jones on July 21, 2004:

"Almost anybody who was anybody involved in the investigation either ended up dying or discovering that they wanted to commit suicide. I think I listed 22, something like that, deaths in the book of key individuals involved." http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2004/210704johndecamp.htm

(3), (4), (5), (6) : (Sources same as Ref #1, see above)

Basic overview of events from Franklincase.org: http://www.franklincase.org/summary.htm

Timeline of events from Franklincase.org : http://www.franklincase.org/timeline.htm

(7) Places to view/download "Conpiracy of Silence" Documentary:

(Franklincase.org website) High quality: http://www.franklincase.org/silencegoogle.htm

http://www.franklincase.org/silence.htm (3 different options: Franklincase.org website)

Google Video upload: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3395321338401208062

Article (small viewing boxes): http://www.propagandamatrix.com/141003conspiracyofsilence.html

(8) Please see blog article : "The Bohemian Grove" for more details, reference, and sources.

(9) To read an excerpt of Bonacci's testimony from the book: http://www.voxfux.com/features/bush_child_sex_coverup/FranklinBookGrove.htm

Also: same sources listed as reference #1. (See above)

John DeCamp interview with Alex Jones: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2004/210704johndecamp.htm

(10) All 3 quotes taken from Alex Jones interview of John DeCamp:

(11) See Ted Gunderson's website: http://www.tedgunderson.com/

Gunderson's page about Bohemian Grove on his website:

(12) "In-depth 18 page overview" Section of Franklincase.org : http://www.franklincase.org/indepth.htm

(13) Johnny Gosch website: http://www.johnnygosch.com/

Wikipedia entry on Johnny Gosch: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Gosch

(14) Jeff Gannon's website: http://www.jeffgannon.com/

Wikipedia entry on Jeff Gannon: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Gannon

Noreen Gosch's comments: http://www.johnnygosch.com/


(Iowa's KWWL newsreport - archived article) http://www.democrats.com/node/4817



(For an excerpt of audio interviews with Noreen Gosch:) *Note: The interviews can also be heard on her site. http://www.solutionassoc.com/TruthFire/blog/2005/04/connections-between-johnny-gosch-jeff.html

(15) Same as reference #1 (See above)

For video clips of news footage regarding the Washington Times story and John DeCamp's interview with The Washington Time journalist go to: http://www.franklincase.org/index.htm

* A clip segment can also be seen in the "Conspiracy of Silence" video

Article and viewable copies of the 1989 Washington Times article: http://www.thelawparty.org/FranklinCoverup/franklin.htm

Readable view of The Washington Times article: "Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry ensnares VIP's with Reagan, Bush" by Paul M. Rodriguez and George Archibald http://www.thelawparty.org/FranklinCoverup/WashingtonTimes.htm

(16) John DeCamp quote taken from his interview in "Conspiracy of Silence" documentary.

(17) Iran-Contra scandal connections mentioned in book, and on website (please see reference #1 above)

(18) Please see blog articles: The Bohemian Grove and "The Skull and Bones society".



Index of articles and books: http://www.franklincase.org/articles.htm


* Author's Note:

There has virtually been a media blackout of any information regarding Larry King's Iran-Contra connections, the Conspiracy of Silence documentary, and other information mentioned in this article. While attempting to find more information, this author could only find it in the official published book, the documentary, and on alternative media and blogs where articles, footage and documents had been archived for verification purposes.
Even upon searching such sites as "Wikipedia.org" - all entries regarding Paul Bonacci, the Conspiracy of Silence documentary, and Lawrence King Jr were continually deleted and referred back to the "Franklin Coverup Hoax" page - which mentioned the Grand Jury's official conclusion and report.

Please keep in mind that while it is a valuable source of information, sites such as Wikipedia.org (for example) are publicly run, are edited continually, and cannot be guaranteed to be factual or accurate - unlike a classic Encyclopedia Britannica. The site is run by volunteers and any user that signs up can edit or delete portions of the entries.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The Skull and Bones Society

Not surprisingly, but appallingly, the majority of the American public as well as the global public, do not know that George W. Bush belongs to a secret society with occult overtones, called "The Order of Skull and Bones". And yes, it is just as bizarre as the name implies.

We must ask ourselves first and foremost if this is of any significance to begin with. And if we decide that it is of significance, what statement does it make that most people are unaware of this? What impact does this have on society, and the government?

(Pictured left: George H.W. Bush with fellow Skull & Bones members, circa 1947)

Basic Information

  • Skull and Bones, as it is commonly called, is a secret society based in Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut (USA).

  • It was established in 1832-33, by William Huntington Russell, and was incorporated in 1856 under the name "Russell Trust Association" -- which is its alumni organization, overseeing property and other activities. In 1978 and onward business of the Russell Trust Association was handled by John B. Madden, a partner of "Brown Brother's Harriman & Co. (1)

  • Each year 15 new students are "tapped" (selected) to join the group for the following year - their senior year. There are usually only 600-800 living members at any given time.

  • Members are sworn to absolute secrecy and are not allowed to reveal anything to "barbarians" (non-members), including family, spouses, clergy, etc. If asked about the group by anyone, they are instructed to immediately leave or refuse to answer.

  • The Skull and Bones lodge is known as "the tomb" or "the temple", a windowless imposing building on campus.

  • The lodge has many relics: from Hitler's silver collection to the Apache warrior Geronimo's skull, and a supposed resident prostitute. (2)

  • The number "322" is of great significance to members, and is reputed to be the initiation room, as well as the possible number of the organization's chapter.

  • Upon graduation, members are given a large amount of cash to help them get started in life, and older members may give them jobs or special starts in business, politics, or legal careers.

  • "Bonesmen" as members are called, are not merely members for a year or period of time, but are considered members for life.

  • They conduct strange, occult rituals which include coffins, drinking out of skulls or skull shaped cups, chants, oaths, and secret promises.

The History

Depending on whom you speak with, the Order of Skull and Bones (formerly known as "The Brotherhood of Death")* has various histories. We'll start with the generally told tales, and then go on to what we do know for fact.

Legend has it that sometime in the 1830's, William Russell travelled to Germany and became a member of a sinister and secret society. This German secret society was an offshoot or outgrowth of The Illuminati secret society. Russell became obsessed, and upon returning to America began his own secret society "The Brotherhood of Death" (later to be called "Skull and Bones") which was based on the Germanic society. He took the symbols, logos, rituals, and virtually everything else and transferred it to this new society, including the German society's ambitions and beliefs.

This explanation as to the origins of Skull and Bones is usually laughed off by group defenders as here-say and nonsense. Many claim that it is nothing more than a myth which has grown into legend. However, there may be some basis of truth in this legend. For every person that dismisses it, there is another that believes it. Currently research is still being done as to authenticate this story, but it remains a commonly-held belief, as this author so succinctly put it:

"He did found S&B at Yale after spending 1831-32 studying in Germany. From
S&B’s own documents, it seems that The Order may be but a U.S. chapter of a
German secret society. And it is quite possible that the German society was (is)
directly connected to the infamous Order of the Illuminati, which was founded in
Germany in 1776. The Illuminati, which played a central role in the French
Revolution and in spreading subversion and revolution throughout Europe,
actually sent agents to the United States to overthrow our republic while it was
still in its infancy. In a 1798 letter to Rev. G. W. Snyder, President George
Washington acknowledged that these agents were then active here, spreading the
Illuminati’s "diabolical tenets."**

The 'semi-official' version more or less, according to the society's defenders and public mouthpieces, goes something like this:

In December of 1832, William Russell founded Skull & Bones. He was upset about changes in a fraternity election process (Phi Beta Kappa) and decided to form his own group. It was the "Eulogian Club", an American chapter of a German student organization. The 322, and skull and crossbones are symbolic of homage to Eulogia (goddess of Eloquence), and revolving around Demosthenes and his death in 322 B.C. (3)

So here we have two essentially completely different versions. One revolving around a sinister secret society and its inception in America, and one revolving around a harmless student organization, concocted by a rebuffed student with semi-superstitious elements.

What do we actually know for fact? We know these documented facts:

The group was established by William Huntington Russell in about 1833. Russell came from a powerful and wealthy family that made its money from criminal activity -- namely, the opium trade. (Russell and Company). (4)

After the murder of William Morgan, there was a great outcry in the country against secret societies, with John Quincy Adams (former president) writing that those who take oaths to politically powerful international secret societies cannot be depended on for loyalty to a democratic republic. Despite this great outcry, Russell and his family were protected by intermarrying and doing business with other powerful elite families, who happened to be Pro-British, and would bring their children into Skull and Bones. (5)

While the history is too detailed to go into great lengths, we can sum it up with this: Criminal families who made fortunes off opium and were pro-British (this was not long after the American revolution had ended and America was beginning as its own country) desired to overthrow the infant government and bring it back into English power. Using the Skull and Bones society as a front, and integrating it with supporters, loyalists to the cause, and family, they hoped to achieve their objective, and continue smuggling opium undisturbed. (6)

Whether you believe it is an offshoot of the long lost Illuminati, or whether you believe the group's version - history does not lie. One thing becomes clear, documented fact: the original inception of this organization revolved around illegal activity, drugs, elitists, and traitors to the American cause who hoped to initially overthrow the government.

Strange Behavior

Since its beginning, Skull and Bones has been filled with many of the most powerful men in the country. Down the long list of members, we see that it has included several presidents, heads of the CIA and world banks, leaders of major universities, military, government, and media.

To give just a few examples: William Taft, Henry Luce, Averill Harriman, and three generations of the Bush family: Prescott Bush, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush. (7)

The average person, upon reviewing such a membership would be unlikely to guess the bizarre, occultish and sometimes perverse activities that these men have participated in, as members of this exclusive club.

What do some of these activities include? Initiates must endure all sorts of rites, including lying in a coffin, chanting, drinking from a skull in the "Firefly" room, to name but a few things. Each initiate must also sit in front of the entire group and relate his complete sexual history, sexual fantasies, life's history, and ambitions for the future.

Defenders say this is nothing more than to breed loyalty to one another, to get to intimately know other initiates, and to become close like a family. They laugh it off as nothing more than fun college hazing meant to bring the group together and exaggerate its mystique.

Critics believe otherwise. Many point out that by participating in these activities these men are being brought under great emotional and mental duress, and can be easily manipulated. Aside from that, by divulging all personal information they leave themselves open to blackmail, and have little choice but to become intensely loyal. Even more, by knowing and trusting one another intimately, they gain a knowledge of future plans and very often will promise to help each other later on in life - politically, financially, and so on - considering themselves Bonesmen first, and the club above all other things.

Defenders of the group dismiss any concerns regarding its power or influence. Anyone who questions its magnitude or history is considered a 'conspiracy theorist' or is condescendingly told that these men are not capable of any great influence or wielding power over an unsuspecting public. We are told that the reason so many powerful men come from Skull & Bones, and have such great wealth ... is because Yale attracts the best and brightest in the country, and S&B taps the best and brightest of those students. Of course - they tell us - these men are destined for great things in many fields and are naturally going to be leaders and innovators. It would seem plausible enough.

A skeptic however, might remember that many of these members are from a long line (generations) of family who were previous members. More so than that, the beginning of the organization started with elite, rich families bringing in their children and grandchildren. Further more than that, these members are given great sums of cash upon graduation to start their careers, are helped by older Bonesmen later in life, and have the power to "tap" the new generations of Bonesmen. And of course, there are other kickbacks ... like the fact that from a special act of state legislature in 1943 its trustees (Russell Trust Association) are exempted from the normal requirement of filing corporate reports with the Connecticut Secretary of State. How interesting. (8)

Yes, the Order of Skull and Bones is odd indeed. And these men take it very seriously. Whether it is sharing sexual experiences, lying in coffins, conducting rituals, drinking out of skulls or anything else - they do what they are told, and they don't speak of it again. What little we do know comes from investigative journalism, rare interviews, and leaked documents by unknown sources.

Here is a great example: Prescott Bush in about 1918 actually stole the skull and other remains of Geronimo, the great Apache Indian warrior. It has since been used in Skull & Bones ceremonies. An informant leaked photographs and other useful information to provide proof, including the whereabouts of the skull. To this day, the society refuses to give it back, despite protests and legal wrangling in the mid-eighties by a former chairman of the Apache Band. Of course, even with Prescott's grandson being the current President of the United States, the desecration of these remains continues without shame. (9)

How ironic it is indeed, that George W. Bush's core base of supporters and voters were Christians, particularly evangelical Christians. This is mainly due to the fact that Bush claimed to be a "born-again Christian" and based much of his campaign and PR on Christian ethics and his supposed deep faith. One has to wonder what percentage of his Christian voter base knows of his active participation and history in Skull & Bones. And are these evangelical Christians supportive of his past which includes drinking from skulls, lying in coffins, chanting, swearing oaths and other strange behaviours? Is this cohesive with his current public image? Especially notable is the fact that Bush has not renounced Skull & Bones at all, but continues his close relationship with members, and even hires them!

One of George W. Bush's first social functions as President was to have his Bonesmen (class of 1968) at the White House. Eleven of his "Bonesmen brothers" have visited Camp David at least once during his Presidency. A number of Bonesmen have found work in Washington. (10)

Of course it's not at all suprising that there is a lot of 'backscratching' going on. Bush got help earlier on in his life and career several times from Bonesmen, including being bailed out of a few fiasco's and scrapes.

More Bonesmen History

For people to suggest that Skull and Bones members do not wield any unusual power over the public, or have not actively changed American history - is laughable, to say the least. Here are just a few examples of what Skull and Bones members have "contributed" to society since the organization began: (11)

  • Involvement in the CIA, and inspiration/influence over covert operations such as MK-ULTRA (See: Richard M. Bissell Sr = Mental Hygiene Society)
  • Intricately involved in Cuban missile crisis, and the training of Florida-based hired killers and assassins who would go on to work in Vietnam, the Middle East, the Contra Wars and Central America. (See: Richard M. Bissell Jr)
  • Several members married into prominent families, including the Warburgs, and were business associates, supporters or employees of the Harriman group - both of which supported Hitler's rise and reign.
  • Countless early members going on into the 1900's were involved in opium smuggling, and would go on to buy and own some of the most premier companies and establishments in America.
  • Helping to get Rutherford B. Hayes the Presidency in 1877, and to withdraw troops that were enforcing blacks' rights from the South. (See: Alphonso Taft)
  • Making decisions that helped to restrict or retract rights obtained for blacks during the Civil War. (See: Morris R. Waite, a Supreme Court Justice)
  • Helping the rise of the Harriman's - who would later go on to become smugglers and financiers for Adolph Hitler. (See: Chauncey M. Depew)
  • The list could go on and on ... which brings us to current US President and Bonesman George W. Bush and his activities: aggressive war with Iraq, lying about WMD, the Patriot Act, rolling back civil liberties, destroying Habeus Corpus, etc.


In case anyone should actually disbelieve that these men belong to this organization, there is plenty of evidence and documentation. But even further than that, George H.W. Bush admitted his membership in his own autobiography "A Charge To Keep". He said, without a hint of irony, that his senior year he had joined the Skull and Bone Society, but that it was so secret he couldn't tell anything more about it. (12)

In 2004, George W. Bush admitted on national television that he was a Skull & Bones member, but refused to say anything more. This also occurred on the same program ("Meet The Press" with Tim Russert) with John Kerry his political rival. (13)

Click on this "MEET THE PRESS LINK" to watch video clips of both men discussing it.

Bonesmen in the Whitehouse

"The Hangman equals death, The Devil equals death, Death equals death!" It's
weird to think that the two men who are now contesting the most powerful job in
world politics, both apparently went through an occult ritual that involved
dressing-up and chanting the words above, prostrate in front of a fellow student
wielding a butchers' knife and dressed in animal skin."
(London Guardian, 2004) ~

2004 marked an unprecedented year for the Skull and Bones society. While there had been many Bonesmen presidents, and leaders in every possible field of power, never had there been two Bonesman contending for the Presidency of the United States at the same time.

John Kerry was the Democratic nominee (Bonesman of 1966), while George W. Bush was the Republic nominee, running for re-election after his first term as President (Bonesman of 1968).

There was decent media coverage in the US, and around the world, although it was generally talked about in a very silly manner as though joking about Skull and Bones. The initiations and rites were laughed off as juvenile fun, and the extreme power of Bonesmen was downplayed. Anyone who asked tough questions was viewed as paranoid. Much to the credit of the rare journalist, some fair and accurate reports were put out by the international press.

It seemed odd and somewhat chilling however, that in a "democratic and free" society, with a population of 300 million -- the two competitors for President happened to be from the same secret society, which only had 800 living members and formed a core elite of power and wealth among America's top establishment.

If the secrecy, rituals, bizarre behavior and troubling history were not all disturbing enough -- it's hard to believe that so few people were troubled by this event. If nothing else it proved that America was still run by a small established group of elite and wealthy families which had been dominating the political and business sphere since America was formed!

George W. Bush did end up winning the election and went on to a second term as President.

What Does It Mean For America?

The course of events over the last decade, along with the very existence and history of Skull and Bones, spell out a dangerous and uncertain future for America. It is a sad statement indeed that the political process is dominated by Bonesmen and that they infest every wing of political and banking infrastructure.

While some may claim that this is due to "tapping the best and brightest" and a "natural result of that occurrence", the thinking man, reflecting on the society's history and the allegiance of Bonesmen to each other, knows otherwise. To deny the facts would be sheer foolishness and extremely naive.

While some Bonesmen may have contributed positively to society, or done little wrong, there is a great history of corrupt Bonesmen who affected society and America very negatively. Not to mention that many Bonesmen belong to other corrupt organizations, and a good portion are Bohemian Club members and attend the Bohemian Grove. There's also the links to Brown Brothers Harriman and other companies that supported Nazism and Adolph Hitler.

Beyond that, we must question the mental state of these men. Any average person should find these activities odd. Most fraternities or groups who haze do silly things like streaking, or embarrassing activities or maybe even degrading acts to intiate members. But drinking from skulls? Stealing an Indian war chief's human remains? Decorating a lodge with skeletons, skulls, symbols of death ... Hitler's silverware? Lying in coffins and pledging allegiance to one another until death?

Even if one can get past the somewhat perverse activities previously mentioned, there remains a larger, more disturbing issue at hand. Can men who have pledged allegiance, sworn oaths of secrecy and lifelong brotherhood to an organization - really uphold the Constitution? Can these men be counted on to defend the Republic and look out for the best interests of their country? The public can never know whom their true allegiance lies with ... the people, or the Brotherhood? And if they have sworn secrecy and refuse to discuss these things, the public cannot find out about an important and influential part of a candidate's history.

As Ron Rosenbaum stated so well: "When you have two presidential candidates who come from that same extended family, I think it's a challenge ... to examine the influence that this family has had on them." (14)

The American public should heed the warning of its greatest founders and patriots, and should examine history instead of remaining ignorant. Skull and Bones is much more than an overhyped fraternity, it is not the 'obsession of the paranoid', but rather the concern of every person worried about loyalty to country, open and honest government, and where our leaders come from, who they are, and what they believe in most.

It is of the utmost irony that the current president of the United States, along with his father, and grandfather - all belonged to a secret society which was originally created to overthrow the American government, and funded by smuggling opium; and which was opposed by George Washington down onward to John Quincy Adams. What would the great patriots of early America dare say today? What would they think of today's generation and its total disregard of important facts such as those?

The American people should, if they were sufficiently educated, propose and implement a law whereby no President (or man holding a serious position of power within government) should be allowed to simultaneously belong to a secret society. They ought to resign from that society and to be open to questioning about it, as they are questioned about every other aspect of their lives. And if they refuse, their candidacy or position should be refused and stripped from them. It is only common sense and can avoid much future trouble.

Now, I leave you with the words of a former President who said it so perfectly:

"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society;
and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies,
to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers
of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the
dangers which are cited to justify it."

-- John F. Kennedy, April 27th, 1961.


* (Book) "America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" by Antony C. Sutton

** (Article -archived) The New American: http://www.prisonplanet.com/020304bipartisanbonesmen.html

** [Post Script] - The letter could very well have been referring to the Pro-British Skull and Bones members, as opposed to the assumed Germanic society, original Illuminati, or any offshoot organization.

** Washington’s letter to Rev. Snyder appears in Volume 36 of The Writings of George Washington (U.S. Government Printing Office)

~ London Guardian article, Feb 24, 2004 : (archived)http://www.prisonplanet.com/240204_skeleton_key_to_the_whitehouse.html

(1) "Skull and Bones" in Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_and_Bones

(2) (Book) "Secrets of the Tomb: Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and Hidden Paths of Power" by Alexandra Robbins

(3) (Article - archived) "Knights of Eulogia" by Alexandra Robbins. http://www.prisonplanet.com/george_w_knight_of_eulogia_1.htm

(4) , (5), (6), (8), (11) : Chapter 7 of "The Unauthorized Biography of George H.W. Bush" by Webster Tarpley. http://www.prisonplanet.com/the_racist_nightmare.html (Archived) Please see the chapter sources for greater details, more references, and a geneological record.

(7) For a larger list of past members: http://www.freedomdomain.com/skullbones.html

(9) (Article) The Independent http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/article622744.ece

(10) (Article) The Baltimore Sun: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/230304keepersofthecrypt.html

(12) (Excerpt of George H.W. Bush's Autobiography) "A Charge To Keep" http://www.prisonplanet.com/Pictures/chargetokeep2mds3r3.gif (Archived)

(13) (Video) Tim Russert's "Meet The Press" on MSNBC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcZig9Fkr1A

(14) Ron Rosenbaum quoted in Baltimore Sun article: http://www.propagandamatrix.com/230304keepersofthecrypt.html

London Telegraph: http://www.prisonplanet.com/010204secretsociety.html

Antony C. Sutton interview: http://www.freedomdomain.com/secretsocieties/suttoninterview.html

Antony C. Sutton website: http://www.antonysutton.com/

News Article Index (Archived), several dozen pieces: http://www.prisonplanet.com/archive_skull_and_bones.html

Recommended Reading:

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones" Antony C. Sutton

"Fleshing Out Skull and Bones: Investigations into American's Most Powerful Secret Society" Kris Millegan

"The Unauthorized Biography of George H.W. Bush" Webster Tarpley (Chapter 7)

Webster Tarpley's full book can be downloaded here: http://www.kmf.org/williams/bushbook.html

Author's Note:

I realize the full extent of the irony of my comments in the last 2 paragraphs, along with the quote from JFK and what it implies. I am fully aware of the fact that several leading American Patriots (George Washington for example) were Freemasonry members and belonged to secret societies. However I would suggest that upon research there is very good evidence to show that these men used the secret societies in order to avoid being caught in their revolutionary plans. The societies were "piggybacked" if you will, as a source of secret messengers, funding, and planning.
It could be justifiably claimed that the American revolutionary heroes and patriots were indeed traitors - but only to England, and not to America. If a secret society influences or compels an individual to act against his own country, then it is treason and he is a traitor to that country. Washington and others claimed America as their new country and rebelled against England. They did not commit treason against their own proclaimed and oathed country - the United States of America.

It does not strike me as a compelling argument that the early Skull and Bones members were not traitors. Some may suggest that they were being loyal to England (and viewed that as their mother country) thus were not technically being traitors. However, the American Revolutionary Wars had by that time ended, and America was already established as a full and independent nation seperate from England in every way. Therefore they were technically committing treason against their own lawful country, and were guilty of conspiring to overthrow the government of the country - something which no American patriot ever dreamed of doing in England.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Bohemian Grove

As odd as it sounds, there is a club called the Bohemian Club which resides within the 'Bohemian Grove', a section of forest in California where politicians and powerful men engage in meetings and bizarre rituals. It is an annual event, held every year in July, where men of means and influence come for a two week vacation to relax, network, and participate in traditions such as "The Cremation of Care": a ritual where the effigy of a body is burned before an approx. 40 ft owl. (See photo at left)

Defenders of the organization claim it is nothing more than a private getaway for the rich and influential, where they can escape the prying eyes of media and the stresses of business for a retreat in a natural environment. But critics say the organization is disturbing, unethical, and possibly illegal and dangerous.

What is the Grove?

The Bohemian Grove is a 2700 acre section of forest in Sonoma County, by the town of Monte Rio, California (USA). It is the location of choice for the 'Bohemian Club' - a private men's club which includes many former presidents, politicians, and prominent businessmen. A small sample of the large list of members (current, and former) include:

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George H.W. Bush, Karl Rove, Bill Clinton, Ronald Regan, Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Harry Truman, Theodore Roosevelt, Jeb Bush, Henry Kissinger, William Howard Taft, David Rockefeller, Robert Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Alan Greenspan

The Bohemian Club (which owns the grove property) was founded in 1872. Shortly after, the Bohemian Grove was established as a meeting place for the members. The regular gathering as it occurs today, began in 1899.

The club's symbol is an owl, and its motto is "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here".

During the two-week encampment there are elaborate ceremonies, plays and forms of entertainment. These include the "High Jinx" (an elaborate Grove Play and musical comedies) and "Low Jinx", mainly plays (where men in drag play all the female roles), etc.

There are various camps scattered throughout the compound such as "Mandalay" (for US presidents), "Stowaway" (for Rockefeller family members), "Hillside" (Military members and Joint Chiefs of Staff), "Lost Angels" (Defense contractors), and so on.

The grove is rife with symbolism and imagery, including skulls, owls, and other images on napkins, papers, charter buses, invitations, and mounted on trees and signs.

Why the Controversy?

The first level of controversy revolves around the "Cremation of Care" ritual. The ritual involves an effigy of a human being which is put on a boat, taken across a small lake and placed in front of a 40 foot owl. It is then burned by men wearing white and red robes, along with shrieking, laughter, speeches, rhyming, fireworks and other elaborate displays of ceremony.


[The above video was taken secretly when journalist and radio host Alex Jones, along with his cameraman Mike Hanson, snuck into the Bohemian Grove in July of 2000. During the overall trip to California, they were accompanied by Jon Ronson (author, journalist) and a camera crew from Channel 4 (UK television) for a 4-part mini series called "Secret Rulers of the World". Ronson would later write about the account in his book "Them: Adventures with Extremists".]

Defenders of the ritual say that the effigy, called "Dull Care" is not meant to symbolize a human being, but rather the "cares of the world" which they carry on their shoulders, and burning it is to symbolize losing all these troubles and worries.

They point out that this is nothing more than tradition and harbors nothing sinister. They say the ritual (which has been conducted since 1893) and the many other plays and entertainments are simply for fun and contain no deeper meaning than that. Critics or those who oppose the club are often publicly mocked and rebuked for being 'conspiracy theorists' or deranged lunatics who are blowing trivial matters out of proportion.

Critics point out that it was the members themselves who withheld information of the Cremation of Care ritual from the public and press, claiming it all to be mere rumors and suggesting it was all nonsense and fiction. It was not until Alex Jones (Texas journalist and radio show host) infiltrated the Bohemian Grove and filmed the ritual along with his cameraman Mike Hanson in July of 2000, that Bohemian Club members finally admitted its authenticity and publicly spoke of it. That is roughly 107 years of private gatherings and conducting of this ritual; many people find that difficult to accept, particularly since it concerns men of governing and media power who refuse to disclose any information on the subject.

A second matter of concern to critics is the secrecy involved in such an exclusive club, and the worry that illegal business transactions may be occurring, including insider trading and other activities. Also of note are the large amount of men from banking, media, corporations, the military and government, all meeting in a private place with no media scrutiny, no watchdog group oversight, and no public record of talks, or possible deals or transactions. Critics fear that non-governmental officials in business and military could have an effect on public policy behind closed doors, with no witnesses. Not to mention that any secrets of national security, future policies, or ideas and suggestions might be discussed amongst the members privately.

Defenders of the club dismiss this idea and claim that nothing of true importance in either the business field or political arena is discussed between members. However, this contradicts their own statements and history.

It is documented fact that the grove "is particularly famous for a Manhattan Project planning meeting that took place there in September of 1942, which subsequently led to the atomic bomb. Those attending, apart from Ernest Lawrence and military officials, included the president of Harvard and representatives of Standard Oil and General Electric. Grove members take particular pride in this event and often relate the story to new attendees." *

In other words, the public is supposed to believe that nothing private is discussed, nor are rights violated in any way by the private sector, yet they openly admit that a meeting planning the first western atomic bomb in World War II took place in that very Grove, with that very Club, with their own members and guests. It certainly makes one wonder what else has been discussed there.

Defenders also like to dismiss any concerns about the elaborate rituals and their significance, or at least symbolism. They reiterate that nothing suspect is going on, and to think otherwise is ridiculous and paranoid.

Some critics remain apprehensive. It has been suggested by some researchers on occult activity that this is a thinly veiled occult ritual with serious significance to those who understand its finer points, and to those who created and conduct the ritual. Just as church services or Klu Klux Klan services are conducted in a ritualistic way with appropriate dress codes, terminology and spectators, this too, contains meaning to those who participate. Some suggest that while the larger group of members may not be aware of the deeper meaning or its importance, a small select group are, and the rest are unknowingly witnessing and participating in watered-down occult activity.

There are also comparisons to the worship of Molech, a biblical deity that certain cultures were said to have worshipped by sacrificing children or people to by fire. Many dispute this comparison however, citing some differences between the original alleged worship of Molech and the ritual seen at the Grove.

Regardless of how one feels about the Cremation of Care, or the many other entertainments there, certain obvious points come in to play. Firstly, it is questionable as to why a human body symbolizes "Dull Care" (the cares of the world) and not another object. Secondly, it seems natural that any person witnessing the ritual, or learning of it, would be surprised that presidents, world leaders, politicians and others participate in something so strange, ridiculous, and just plain creepy.

Lastly, and most alarming of all the controversies, are those regarding prostitutes and possible child abuse. It has been alleged that there are many male prostitutes and pornographic stars that entertain the elites at the grove. While this cannot be proven, rumors of all kinds continue. Several people have come forward, claiming to have 'sexually serviced' (prostituted for) Bohemian Club members, and some accounts have been published in books, articles, etc. **

John DeCamp, a former Republican state senator from Nebraska, claimed in his book "The Franklin Cover up" that snuff films and child pornography were made at the Bohemian Grove. Critics of the book have charged that the testimony of the man who claimed to have been forced into making a snuff film at the grove was false, and Club defenders deny any illegal sexual activity occurs at the Grove. Cathy O'Brien also alleged in her book "Trance Formation of America" that children were abused and murders committed at the grove. She also alleges the Bohemian Grove contains "a Dark Room, a Leather Room, and a Necrophilia Room". ***


Regardless of one's religious viewpoint and how seriously a person may or may not take the rituals performed at the Bohemian Grove, many substantial concerns arise.
It is alarming that world leaders and the most affluent men in the United States meet in the middle of a protected forest every year for a summer vacation, which includes a bizarre ritual of burning a mock body in front of a 40 foot owl, and do not have to disclose any of this information to anyone. Although it is generally laughed off in the press as powerful men taking the time to enjoy a "fraternity-like atmosphere" and revert back to "summer camp fun and mentality", most thinking individuals find it anything but amusing.
Anyone outside the membership cannot be sure that private matters whether governmental, military or otherwise are not discussed between members, or that private deals or future promises are not made to one another.

Allegations of abuse are also particularly disturbing. Even if a person takes an even approach and assumes the allegations are not necessarily true - the fact that this is a private club, organization and property owned and used by the most powerful men in the world, still leaves the question wide open. It is difficult to investigate or verify any sort of criminal activity in such a secretive place that is protected from concerned citizens. The Bohemian Grove is also - quite amazingly - protected property under the National Security Act of 1947. If indeed this property is privately owned and not open to the media, public or criminal investigation - it should not be given preferential treatment.

For years local newspapers, dissident literature and investigators claimed that world leaders met in a northern California forest, dressed in robes, and burned effigies in front of a 40 foot owl. It sounded ludicrous (everyone assumed it must be false) it was denied, and laughed off. It wasn't until there was videotaped evidence, that people accepted it as fact. Then everyone chose to laugh it off again anyway, stating that it's nothing too important.

Allegations have persisted from people who claimed to be sexual abuse victims and who have alleged links to the Bohemian Grove. These people have the support of retired senators, FBI agents and investigators, and now many of their physical descriptions of inside the grove can be verified (as they could not be before) by videotape evidence. Still, people choose to ignore them and assume that the allegations are too wild to be believed.

Due to the fact that investigation is not a possibility at this time, questions remain unanswered.

One thing however, becomes very clear. Those who express concern about the Bohemian Grove and its Club members, the critics of this exclusive organization - are not mentally unstable people. I would suggest that anyone who is not disturbed or bothered by rituals involving robes, chants, a 40 foot owl, enclosed redwood forests in exclusive compounds, powerful world leaders and decades of sexual abuse allegations and prostitution rumors -- are the mentally unstable ones.

  • There are numerous resources on the web for more information about the Bohemian Club and the Bohemian Grove. These include mainstream news articles, websites, books, and video.


Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove (video) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1358319439993514946&q=Bohemian+Grove&total=930&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1

The Order of Death (video) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2500924140588760933&q=The+Order+of+Death&total=2511&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

1981 ABC News report on Bohemian Grove (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCDs9Vs2iYM

Nixon talks about Bohemian Club (audio) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPb-PN9F2Pc

Alex Jones confronts David Gergen about Bohemian Grove (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfsYS8gnEW8

Bohemian Grove members (IBM, Bush, etc) helped Hitler and Holocaust (video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80dgc63LMOY

"Secret Rulers of the World" (video) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7208099122481491543&q=Secret+Rulers+of+the+World&total=98&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=1

"A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club by Peter Martin Phillips (1994) http://libweb.sonoma.edu/regional/faculty/phillips/bohemianindex.html ( * quote from Peter Martin Phillips)

Excerpt of Paul Bonacci's testimony about Bohemian Grove from "The Franklin Cover up" by John DeCamp: (photograph) http://www.thelawparty.org/FranklinCoverup/FranklinBookGrove.htm

"The Bohemian Grove" (Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove

Sonama County Free Press (Bohemian Grove Action Network) http://www.sonomacountyfreepress.com/bohos/bohoindx.html

1980's Bohemian Grove Reporting (Index of articles and photographs) http://www.sonic.net/~kerry/bohemian/

** Sex Work: Writings by Women in the Sex Industry edited by Frédérique Delacoste and Priscilla Alexander, Cleis Press, San Francisco, 1987.

1989 Spy Magazine Article on Bohemian Grove (reproduced) http://sociology.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/bohemian_grove_spy.html

FAIR (Fairness In Accuracy and Reporting) article on Bohemian Grove, 1991. http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1489

Leaked photos from the "Annals of the Bohemian Club, Volume VII" http://www.infowars.com/exclusive_new_bg.htm

Donald Rumsfeld talks about Bohemian Grove (transcript) http://www.defenselink.mil/speeches/speech.aspx?speechid=216

Jon Ronson's website: http://www.jonronson.com/

Cathy O'Brien: http://www.trance-formation.com/aboutcathy.htm

*** "Trance Formation of America" by Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips